MonDAY - FriDAY 8.30AM - 5.00pm. Zanussi ZVENM6X1 Built-In Microwave Oven, Stainless Steel.
This item has indentations and scratches on front. What makes a "Graded" product? Item is out of original packaging.
Retractable oven controls with LED display. Child lock for added safety. Clean'n' clear enamel interior. Chrome grid runners with auto-stop anti-tip shelves.
Temperature range: 30°C - 230°C. Maximum Microwave output (W): 1000. Colour: Stainless steel with anti fingerprint. Total electricity loading, W: 3000. Energy consumption per EU standard cycle: 0. Product number (PNC): 944 066 755.Top Oven Cooking Functions: Bottom, Fan + light, Grill + fan, Grill + top, Microwave, Ring + bottom + fan, Ring + fan, Top, Top + bottom. A120136 A120609 A120669 A130299 A119705. Kitchens and More is the latest addition to the specialist white goods group owned and operated by Wash craft Appliances (UK) Limited. Wash craft has been successfully trading since 1991 and is one of the UK's leading suppliers of discounted and graded kitchen appliances.
We have built a strong reputation for offering top brand appliances at unbeatable low prices. The price of this item includes VAT at 20%.
You have 14 days from receipt of your item to decide that you don't want to keep it. Please Note: The item must be unused and must be in the same condition as it was dispatched from our warehouse.